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exploit one’s potential
开发潜力  detail>>
exploit the openings one leaves
乘人之隙  detail>>
 n.  功绩,功劳,勋绩。 the exploit of the famous heroes 著名英雄们的丰功伟绩。  vt.  ...  detail>>
embezzle and exploit
吞剥  detail>>
exploit by usury
高利盘剥  detail>>
exploit her
不择手段地利用她  detail>>
exploit markets
开拓市场  detail>>
exploit of hr
人力资源开发  detail>>
exploit potentialities
挖潜力  detail>>
exploit resources
开发资源  detail>>
exploit the victory
扩大战果  detail>>
feat exploit
惊人表演  detail>>
military exploit
军功  detail>>
ani stack overflow exploit
艾妮  detail>>
exclusive right to exploit
独占实施权  detail>>
exclusive right to explore and exploit
勘探和开发的专属权利  detail>>
exploit an advantage
钻空子  detail>>
exploit an oil field
开发油田  detail>>